Sunday, July 17, 2011

Xanax Addiction Signs

The Xanax Addiction Signs:

Before I was on Klonopin, my doctor put me on Xanax to allow me to relax in social situations.  Yes, I did have social anxiety and I needed something to take the edge off when I was with a group of people or I had to talk to an “important” person.  I remember the first time taking it – it was like a miracle.  However, as weeks and then months went by, I realized that there were only Xanax Addiction signs that I really didn’t see at first, but later on – it was like, “Houston, we have a problem”.

My first introduction to Xanax was back in 1994, a year before I was married.  This glorious medication allowed me to talk in meetings and to people one on one.  In fact, people really started liking me because I was so outgoing.  I remember that I was in an elevator with one of the vice-presidents, and I told her what my career path was and I know she really took a liking to me and told me that she could get me into something I really wanted.  Her response was so positive and she really like how I acted.  However, the more I took Xanax, the higher the dosage became – which was another Xanax Addiction Sign and my whole world started to collapse around me.  So what were the signs you may ask.  You may have a loved one who is secretly taking Xanax and you want to know the symptoms – or you are on it yourself and you do not know that much about what you are taking, and you are going through these strange withdrawal symptoms.

One of the signs that I had was brain fog.  Currently, I am on Klonopin now and have brain fog from time to time – but nothing like this.  I am convinced that Xanax and worse than Klonopin and that is why I switched.  The brain fog that I had was just horrible.  I was in misery and really wanted to end it all.  However, I kept on fighting this – but I felt this same old ugly feeling day after day.  

Another one of the Xanax Addiction Signs is extreme anxiousness.  Again, I experience this with Klonopin, but Xanax once again was a lot worse.  I remember one day after my wife came home from work, we were sitting on the couch talking, and I was very nervous talking to her.  It wasn’t like I was afraid of her, but I just couldn’t calm down enough to talk to her in a relaxed way.  I am not sure if she noticed, so I asked her if I seemed nervous – she said no, but to this day, I’m not sure if she was telling me the truth.  She probably was sparing my feelings – which, I think I would in the end want her to lie to me about my situation.

Some ot the other Xanax Addiction Signs is scared of going out into the public.  Now, first of all, I did (and still do) have social anxiety – but the Xanax actually increased the fear.  I remember one time that I was so scared of going into a shop to check on my car that was being worked on.  I could hardly get the words out of my mouth to ask the person at the counter what the status of my car was.  Again, Xanax played a giant role in that.

So you see, instead of Xanax helping me out with my social anxiety, the symptoms actually made things worse for me.  It wasn’t until a few years later, I knew that something had to be done in order for me to have a better life.  That is when I went to my doctor (a different one) and he gave me Klonopin.  This was a lot better medication.  It seemed more stable, yet it still had its’ symptoms, yet they were manageable.  It changed my life for the better.

Now, if you have been following my blog about Klonopin, you will know that things are a lot better for me but I am still fighting Klonopin withdrawal symptoms.  However, that is ok.  I am making progress through meditation, exercise and drinking green tea.  A few years ago, I was taking about four mgs of Klonopin than I am now – so things are looking up.

Again, Xanax Addiction Signs have a lot more symptoms than what I have just mentioned.  I think the worse type of sign is something that I did a few years ago.  I misplaced my Xanax and with my wife watching me, I was going crazy – screaming that my Xanax was gone.  I was so panicked – I was sweating bullets.  No better than a junkie, needing his H.  I am so glad that those days are gone.  Sure, I have a long way to go in defeating my Klonopin withdrawal symptoms – but hey, look at how far I have come.

One more thing.  When Xanax had me by my throat and I could not take it anymore, I did get on my knees and prayed to God to get me something more stable in my life – and he did.  It was Klonopin.  Not only did things get better for me, I, to this day, think of Klonopin more of a stable medication than what Xanax is.

I have often wondered why God has allowed me to suffer this way.  I don’t have an answer to this.  All I know is that some day I will pass on and be in Heaven with Him.  No matter what type of problems I go through on this earth, I seek to do “His will” and in the end, all will be well.  Maybe not in this lifetime, but for sure – in the next.

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